Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Morbid Obesity Essays - Regression Analysis, Free Essays
Morbid Obesity Essays - Regression Analysis, Free Essays GET FILE='C:Usersw0018928DesktopPsi Beta National Project _Rudmann.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT. USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$=(College = 2). VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'College = 2 (FILTER)'. VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'. FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$. EXECUTE. REGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI(95) R ANOVA COLLIN TOL CHANGE /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT HAPPINESS /METHOD=STEPWISE TP_FUT /METHOD=ENTER Mind_COMB TP_FUT /SAVE MAHAL. Regression Notes Output Created10-APR-2014 12:41:39 Comments InputDataC:Usersw0018928DesktopPsi Beta National Project _Rudmann.sav Active DatasetDataSet1 FilterCollege = 2 (FILTER) Weightnone> Split Filenone> N of Rows in Working Data File304 Missing Value HandlingDefinition of MissingUser-defined missing values are treated as missing. Cases UsedStatistics are based on cases with no missing values for any variable used. SyntaxREGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI(95) R ANOVA COLLIN TOL CHANGE /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT HAPPINESS /METHOD=STEPWISE TP_FUT /METHOD=ENTER Mind_COMB TP_FUT /SAVE MAHAL. ResourcesProcessor Time00:00:00.05 Elapsed Time00:00:00.05 Memory Required2940 bytes Additional Memory Required for Residual Plots0 bytes Variables Created or ModifiedMAH_1Mahalanobis Distance [DataSet1] C:Usersw0018928DesktopPsi Beta National Project _Rudmann.sav Descriptive Statistics MeanStd. DeviationN Happiness4.5978.87874294 Future Time Perspective3.7891.91512294 Mindset Intelligence Plus General2.4893.97998294 Correlations HappinessFuture Time PerspectiveMindset Intelligence Plus General Pearson CorrelationHappiness1.000.329-.119 Future Time Perspective.3291.000-.076 Mindset Intelligence Plus General-.119-.0761.000 Sig. (1-tailed)Happiness..000.020 Future Time Perspective.000..098 Mindset Intelligence Plus General.020.098. NHappiness294294294 Future Time Perspective294294294 Mindset Intelligence Plus General294294294 Variables Entered/Removeda ModelVariables EnteredVariables RemovedMethod 1Future Time Perspective.Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100). 2Mindset Intelligence Plus Generalb.Enter a. Dependent Variable: Happiness b. All requested variables entered. Model Summaryc ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the EstimateChange Statistics R Square ChangeF Changedf1 1.329a.108.105.83118.10835.4891 2.343b.117.111.82840.0092.9621 Model Summaryc ModelChange Statistics df2Sig. F Change 1292.000 2291.086 a. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective b. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective, Mindset Intelligence Plus General c. Dependent Variable: Happiness ANOVAa ModelSum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. 1Regression24.518124.51835.489.000b Residual201.733292.691 Total226.251293 2Regression26.551213.27619.345.000c Residual199.700291.686 Total226.251293 a. Dependent Variable: Happiness b. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective c. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective, Mindset Intelligence Plus General Coefficientsa ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientstSig. BStd. ErrorBeta 1(Constant)3.400.20716.439.000 Future Time Perspective.316.053.3295.957.000 2(Constant)3.638.24814.651.000 Future Time Perspective.309.053.3225.830.000 Mindset Intelligence Plus General-.085.050-.095-1.721.086 Coefficientsa Model95.0% Confidence Interval for BCollinearity Statistics Lower BoundUpper BoundToleranceVIF 1(Constant)2.9933.807 Future Time Perspective.212.4211.0001.000 2(Constant)3.1504.127 Future Time Perspective.205.414.9941.006 Mindset Intelligence Plus General-.183.012.9941.006 a. Dependent Variable: Happiness Excluded Variablesa ModelBeta IntSig.Partial CorrelationCollinearity Statistics Tolerance 1Mindset Intelligence Plus General-.095b-1.721.086-.100.994 Excluded Variablesa ModelCollinearity Statistics VIFMinimum Tolerance 1Mindset Intelligence Plus General1.006.994 a. Dependent Variable: Happiness b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), Future Time Perspective Collinearity Diagnosticsa ModelDimensionEigenvalueCondition IndexVariance Proportions (Constant)Future Time PerspectiveMindset Intelligence Plus General 111.9721.000.01.01 2.0288.414.99.99 212.8681. 2.1095. 3.02311. a. Dependent Variable: Happiness Residuals Statisticsa MinimumMaximumMeanStd. DeviationN Predicted Value3.62455.09914.5978.30103294 Std. Predicted Value-3.2331.665.0001.000294 Standard Error of Predicted Value. Adjusted Predicted Value3.58125.11324.5974.30158294 Residual-2.527772.10788.00000.82557294 Std. Residual-3.0512.545.000.997294 Stud. Residual-3.0672.561.0001.002294 Deleted Residual-2.553042.13613.00043.83471294 Stud. Deleted Residual-3.1122.586.0001.006294 Mahal. Distance.02314.5851.9932.019294 Cook's Distance. Centered Leverage Value. a. Dependent Variable: Happiness USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$=(GENDER = 1). VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'GENDER = 1 (FILTER)'. VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'. FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$. EXECUTE. REGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI(95) R ANOVA COLLIN TOL CHANGE /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT HAPPINESS /METHOD=STEPWISE TP_FUT /METHOD=ENTER Mind_COMB TP_FUT /SAVE MAHAL. USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$=(GENDER = 2). VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'GENDER = 2 (FILTER)'. VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'. FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$. EXECUTE. REGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI(95) R ANOVA COLLIN TOL CHANGE /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT HAPPINESS /METHOD=STEPWISE TP_FUT /METHOD=ENTER Mind_COMB TP_FUT /SAVE MAHAL. USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$=(GENDER = 1). VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'GENDER = 1 (FILTER)'. VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'. FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$. EXECUTE. REGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI(95) R ANOVA COLLIN TOL CHANGE /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT HAPPINESS /METHOD=STEPWISE TP_FUT /METHOD=ENTER Mind_COMB TP_FUT /SAVE MAHAL. Regression: Whole Sample Males Notes Output Created10-APR-2014 12:57:33 Comments InputDataC:Usersw0018928DesktopPsi Beta National Project _Rudmann.sav Active DatasetDataSet1 FilterGENDER = 1 (FILTER) Weightnone> Split Filenone> N of Rows in Working Data File208 Missing Value HandlingDefinition of MissingUser-defined missing values are treated as missing. Cases UsedStatistics are based on cases with no missing values for any variable used. SyntaxREGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI(95) R ANOVA COLLIN TOL CHANGE /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT HAPPINESS /METHOD=STEPWISE TP_FUT /METHOD=ENTER Mind_COMB TP_FUT /SAVE MAHAL. ResourcesProcessor Time00:00:00.02 Elapsed Time00:00:00.02 Memory Required3100 bytes Additional Memory Required for Residual Plots0 bytes Variables Created or ModifiedMAH_9Mahalanobis Distance Descriptive Statistics MeanStd. DeviationN Happiness4.5922.87297198 Future Time Perspective3.4697.91051198 Mindset Intelligence Plus General2.60251.06407198 Correlations HappinessFuture Time PerspectiveMindset Intelligence Plus General Pearson CorrelationHappiness1.000.238-.224 Future Time Perspective.2381.000-.068 Mindset Intelligence Plus General-.224-.0681.000 Sig. (1-tailed)Happiness..000.001 Future Time Perspective.000..171 Mindset Intelligence Plus General.001.171. NHappiness198198198 Future Time Perspective198198198 Mindset Intelligence Plus General198198198 Variables Entered/Removeda ModelVariables EnteredVariables RemovedMethod 1Future Time Perspective.Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100). 2Mindset Intelligence Plus Generalb.Enter a. Dependent Variable: Happiness b. All requested variables entered. Model Summaryc ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the EstimateChange Statistics R Square ChangeF Changedf1 1.238a.057.052.84994.05711.8211 2.317b.100.091.83225.0439.4211 Model Summaryc ModelChange Statistics df2Sig. F Change 1196.001 2195.002 a. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective b. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective, Mindset Intelligence Plus General c. Dependent Variable: Happiness ANOVAa ModelSum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. 1Regression8.53918.53911.821.001b Residual141.591196.722 Total150.130197 2Regression15.06527.53210.875.000c Residual135.066195.693 Total150.130197 a. Dependent Variable: Happiness b. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective c. Predictors: (Constant), Future Time Perspective, Mindset Intelligence Plus General Coefficientsa ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientstSig. BStd. ErrorBeta 1(Constant)3.799.23915.925.000 Future Time Perspective.229.067.2383.438.001 2(Constant)4.292.28415.137.000 Future Time Perspective.215.065.2243.294.001 Mindset Intelligence Plus General-.171.056-.209-3.069.002 Coefficientsa Model95.0% Confidence Interval for BCollinearity Statistics Lower BoundUpper BoundToleranceVIF 1(Constant)3.3284.269 Future Time Perspective.097.3601.0001.000 2(Constant)3.7334.851 Future Time Perspective.086.344.9951.005 Mindset Intelligence Plus General-.282-.061.9951.005 a. Dependent
Friday, November 22, 2019
Rattlesnake Facts
Rattlesnake Facts Rattlesnakes (Crotalus or Sistrurus) are named for the rattle at the end of their tail, which makes a rattling sound as a warning to other animals. There are over thirty species of rattlesnakes that are indigenous to the Americas. While most of those species have healthy populations, some rattlesnakes are considered threatened or endangered due to factors like poaching and the destruction of their native habitats. Fast Facts: Rattlesnake Scientific Name: Crotalus or SistrurusCommon Name: RattlesnakeBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: 1.5ââ¬â8.5 feetWeight: 2ââ¬â15 poundsLifespan: 10ââ¬â25 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Diverse habitats; most commonly open, rocky areas, but also native to deserts, prairies, and forestsConservation Status: Most species are Least Concern, but a few species are Endangered Description Rattlesnakes get their name from the distinctive rattle at the tip of their tail. When it vibrates, it produces a buzzing or rattling sound. Most rattlesnakes are light brown or gray, but there are some species that can be bright colors like pink or red. Adults are usually 1.5 to 8.5 feet, with most measuring under 7 feet. They can weigh from 2 to 15 pounds. Close-up of a rattlesnake tail. à Robert Young/EyeEm/Getty Images Rattlesnake fangs are connected to their venom ducts and are curved in shape. Their fangs are continuously produced, which means there are always new fangs growing in behind their existing fangs so that they can be used as soon as the old fangs are shed. Rattlesnakes have a heat sensing pit between each eye and nostril. This pit helps them to hunt their prey. They have a form of heat vision that helps them to locate their prey in dark conditions. Because rattlesnakes have a heat-sensitive pit organ, they are considered pit vipers. Habitat and Distribution Rattlesnakes are found throughout the Americas from Canada to Argentina. In the United States, they are quite common in the southwest. Their habitats are varied, as they can live in plains, deserts, and mountain habitats. More often than not, however, rattlesnakes reside in rocky environments, as rocks help them to find cover and food. Since they are reptiles and ectothermic, these areas also help them with temperature control; depending on the temperature, they bask in the sun on top of the rocks or cool down in the shade under the rocks. Some species enter a hibernation-like state during winter. Diet and Behavior Rattlesnakes are carnivores. They eat a variety of small prey like mice, rats, and other small rodents, as well as smaller species of birds. Rattlesnakes are stealthy hunters. They lie in wait for their prey, then strike with their venomous fangs to immobilize it. Once the prey is dead, the rattlesnake will swallow it head first. Due to the snakes digestion process, a rattlesnake will sometimes seek out a place to rest while its meal is being digested. Reproduction and Offspring In the United States, most rattlesnakes breed in June through August. Males have sex organs called hemipenes at the base of their tails. Hemipenes are retracted when not in use. Females have the ability to store sperm for long periods of time, so reproduction can occur well after mating season. The gestation period varies based on species, with some periods lasting for almost 6 months. Rattlesnakes are ovoviviparous, which means that eggs are carried inside the mother but the young are born live. Offspring numbers vary based on species, but typically range from 5 to 20 young. Females usually only reproduce once every two to three years. Newborns have both functioning venom glands and fangs at birth. The young do not stay with their mother long and are off to fend for themselves shortly after being born.à Conservation Status Most species of rattlesnake are classified as least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). However, most rattlesnake species are decreasing in population size, and a few species, such as the Santa Catalina Island rattlesnake (Crotalus catalinensis) are classified as critically endangered. Predation as well as human encroachment on habitats are the two most prevalent threats to rattlesnake populations. Species There are over 30 species of rattlesnakes. Common species are the eastern diamondback, timber rattlesnake, and the western diamondback rattlesnake. Timbers can be more passive than other species. Eastern diamondbacks have the distinctive diamond pattern that helps them to blend into their environment. The western diamondback is usually the longest of the rattlesnake species. Rattlesnake Bites and Humans Thousands of people are bitten by snakes in the United States each year. While rattlesnakes are usually passive, they will bite if provoked or startled. Snakes bites are rarely fatal when the proper medical care is sought. Common symptoms from a snake bite can include swelling at the bite site, pain, weakness, and sometimes nausea or excessive perspiration. Medical care should be sought immediately after a bite. Sources ââ¬Å"11 North American Rattlesnakes.â⬠Reptiles Magazine, www.reptilesmagazine.com/11-North-American-Rattlesnakes/.ââ¬Å"Frequently Asked Questions About Venomous Snakes.â⬠Venomous Snake FAQs, ufwildlife.ifas.ufl.edu/venomous_snake_faqs.shtml.ââ¬Å"The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.â⬠IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, www.iucnredlist.org/species/64314/12764544.Wallach, Van. ââ¬Å"Rattlesnake.â⬠Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 8 Oct. 2018, www.britannica.com/animal/rattlesnake.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing case study ( Fox's Biscuites) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Marketing case study ( Fox's Biscuites) - Essay Example Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits was founded by Michael Spedding during the year 1853 by opening up a small shop for confectionary items in Batley. Apart from a factory in Batley, the organisation also has two factories situated within the UK. One is in Staffordshire and the other is situated near Blackpool. The distribution centre of the organisation is located in Uttoxeter (Staffordshire Newspapers Ltd, 2011). The long-term goal of Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits is to evolve as the most pioneering, indulgent and ingenious biscuits. The most famous products of Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits are Echo, Rocky, Classic and Creations. Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits is better known as the synonym for quality because the company employs the best inputs for manufacturing the biscuits and feeding its customers with quality food items. Not only the company procures the best raw materials and processes them through the best machines but also it utilises the skills and expertise of quality personnel (Foxââ¬â¢s, 2011). The aim of this paper is to design marketing plan for making the Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits more popular in the UK market. The plan will be designed through analysing the macro and micro environment affecting business operations of Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits and also by critically analysing the current market position of the company. 2. Analysis through Significant Macro and Micro Environmental Factors The biscuit industry in the UK has kept on growing since the last five years depicting a rate of market increase up to a level of 22 percent. The industry has been forecasted to expand further in the future years with a growth of 15 percent according to Mintelââ¬â¢s market research (Mintel Oxygen Reports, 2011). High prospect of growth in overall biscuit industry in the UK also suggests high level of competition to prevail among the market players within this industry. In this competitive market, it is essential for the companies including Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits to keep comprehensive track abo ut the industry scenario so as to react instantaneously to the demands of the market with competitive products. Thus, for gathering comprehensive knowledge about the present market scenario and for evaluating the companyââ¬â¢s potentiality to make itself compatible with the market, PEST and SWOT analysis will be performed in this segment. 2.1 Macro Environment Analysis- PEST Analysis Political Factors The government of the UK has depicted concerned behaviour over the health of its nationââ¬â¢s people in relation to obesity. The growth in the UK biscuit industry is as a result of the less conscious nature of the people in matters related to consumption of snacks inclusive of biscuits items. For countering to this, the UK government had even introduced stricter norms in relation to marketing practices of the snacks manufacturing companies. The move was aimed towards initiating the snacks manufacturing companies towards production of healthier food items. Thus, with regard to the se facts about the political factors surrounding the biscuit industry in the UK, it is required by Foxââ¬â¢s Biscuits that it concentrates heavily upon the manufacturing of more healthy biscuits along with maintenance of expected crunchy and appetizing tastes. This way, the company can not only adhere to the political issues guiding biscuit manufacturing process but also
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Increasing Collaboration in U.S. Military Essay
The Increasing Collaboration in U.S. Military - Essay Example The challenges that they encounters in their quest to transform and adapt to more collaborative strategies are discussed. Areas that the military has attained success during its collaborative endeavors have been mentioned. Further, a clear description of collaboration is presented, including those involved with the military, the objectives of military in collaborating and the present status as well as the success measures. Introduction In military warfare, the world is increasingly embracing collective and collaborative efforts in accomplishing the military activities and practices effectively. Collaborative efforts are practiced in military command relations, joint operations, strengthening personnel and equipment, training and tactics as well as in fostering cultural relations. Collaboration develops best in environments where relationships are mutual and well nurtured (Bushe, 2010). In military operations and practices, collaboration with other stakeholders is perceived as problem atic because the military forces are compelled to certain demands with the collaborative partners. The collaboration partners may be perceived with element of suspicion, leading to reluctance in sharing information on matters of national security out of fear. Consequently, collaborative work in military is more pervasive and complex. The United States military forces are working toward increased collaborative methods because of their understanding of how to improve collaborative work. Growing U.S. Military Collaboration Description of Collaboration Collaboration is the practice and concept of bringing appropriate individuals jointly in productive ways with proper information to establish genuine goals and strategies for tackling the common issues of the collaborative organizations or communities. This practice or concept is practiced because it helps to deal successfully with complex organizational or community issues. Collaboration strategies can be used as a means of building soci al capital, sustaining a democratic society and transforming the civic culture of communities or regions besides being used to address public concerns. Collaboration requires that the shared issues be addressed through engagement, dialogue, inclusion and power sharing. Mutual learning is a basic concept in collaborative working. The collaborating partners mutually benefit from the relationship to realize common goals and objectives through sharing responsibilities, accountability as well as authority for achieving the set results. Collaboration involves sharing of information and knowledge by the partners, and cooperation and coordination to help achieve the objectives (Chrislip, 2002). Involved Parties Multiple stakeholders are usually involved in collaborative work with the U.S. military personnel, depending on the desired goals and objectives to be accomplished. The U.S. military collaborates with civilian interagency, such as civilians from U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agen cy for International Development (USAID) among other organizations. The civilian interagency helps the U.S. military personnel in counterinsurgency operations and activities. The interagency for example, helped the U.S. military through collaboration in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq to facilitate reconstruction and development of the nations and advising the military on how to reach out to the indigenous communities (Green, 2012). U.S. military col
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Essay Example for Free
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Essay Tom Sawyer is about a mischievous, curly haired boy who has many exciting adventures. Tom has to scheme his way out of trouble with his strict Aunt Polly and annoying cousin Sid watching him. Tom lives with his Aunt Polly because his poor mother had passed away quite a while ago. Tom gets into much trouble, at school, and at home. One of Toms biggest adventure takes place in McGuffeys Cave. Tom and a few other children, including the judges daughter Becky Thatcher, go near McGuffeys Cave for a picnic. At the picnic, the children decide to explore the cave. Becky and Tom stray away from the rest of the children, deeper into the cave. Soon, the ferry comes to get the children. All the children get on the ferry, except for Becky and Tom. Toms really in for trouble now! Becky and Tom stray farther and farther into the cave, not yet aware that the ferry has come and gone. The two children only have a candle for light. Tom and Becky soon are quite aware that the other children are gone. Becky tires out and says she cannot go any farther, so Tom goes by himself to look for an opening in the cave. When Tom is searching, he sees the murderer, Injun Joe, inside the cave! The town celebrates, and Beckyââ¬â¢s father, Judge Thatcher, locks up the cave. Injun Joe, trapped inside, starves to death. The major conflict in the story is that when Tom and Huck perceive their biggest struggle to be between themselves and Injun Joe, whose gold they want and whom they believe is out to kill them. Conflict also exists between Tom and his imaginative world and the expectations and rules of adult society. While the climax of the story is when à · Huck overhears Injun Joeââ¬â¢s plan to kill the Widow Douglas, and Tom encounters Injun Joe when he and Becky are stranded in the cave. Setting The setting of the story takes place in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri (which resembles Twainââ¬â¢s hometown of Hannibal). While the time is not specified, but probably around 1845. Characters Tom Sawyer is the protagonist in the story. Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart and a strong moral conscience. As the novel progresses, he begins to take more seriously the responsibilities of his role as a leader among his schoolfellows. Huckleberry Finn is the son of the town drunk. Huck is a juvenile outcast who is shunned by respectable society and adored by the local boys, who envy his freedom. Like Tom, Huck is highly superstitious, and both boys are always ready for an adventure. Huck gradually replaces Tomââ¬â¢s friend Joe Harper as Tomââ¬â¢s sidekick in his escapades. Becky Thatcher is the Judge Thatcherââ¬â¢s pretty, yellow-haired daughter. From almost the minute she moves to town, Becky is the ââ¬Å"Adored Unknownâ⬠who stirs Tomââ¬â¢s lively romantic sensibility. Naive at first, Becky soon matches Tom as a romantic strategist, and the two go to great lengths to make each other jealous.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Herbert Croly :: Biographies Herbert Croly Journalism Essays
Herbert Croly At the turn of the 20th century, Herbert Croly ââ¬â as far as the accelerating world was concerned ââ¬â was a man without a name. Painfully shy and without many friends, he was admitted to Harvard in 1886 as one of 96 "special students" who would not be eligible for a degree. Perhaps the world should have realized he would one day be reckoned with when was given the former room of newspaperman William Randolph Hearst, who was expelled from Harvard a year before Croly entered its halls. But Croly remained aloof through his long stay at Harvard, which had more promising sons to look after. However, when in 1909 Croly published his first and most remembered book, The Promise of American Life, he was instantly recognized as a great political thinker. Eager to recognize him as one of its own, Harvard gave him his bachelorââ¬â¢s degree soon after the jubilant reviews were printed. Croly was born on Jan 23, 1869 and journalism was in his household, if not in his blood. His father, David Goodman Croly, immigrated to the United States from Ireland as a young boy and married Jane Cunningham, who journeyed to the states from England at age 12. Herbert Crolyââ¬â¢s mother wrote for several newspapers under the name Jennie June and was an adamant feminist. Similarly, his father worked for several New York City newspapers and was a devout follower of the French philosopher Auguste Comte, a founder of sociology and positivism. In order to achieve progress, Comte created a Religion of Humanity that emphasized altruism and the destruction of organized religion. Comteââ¬â¢s teachings changed the way Herbert Croly looked at and envisioned life, but he did not devote himself to the Religion of Humanity. However, Crolyââ¬â¢s belief that bureaucrats are good people who should be given enough power to improve the lives of their fellow citizens goes along with Comteâ⠬â¢s teachings. Croly admitted the dead Auguste Comte influenced how he envisioned living political systems. He wrote, "From my earliest years, it was his endeavor to teach me to understand and believe in the religion of Auguste Comte. Under such instruction it was not strange that in time I dropped instinctively into his mode of thinking."1 Still, there is no doubt that Crolyââ¬â¢s positivism faded once he entered Harvard in 1886. He attended the school off-and-on, initially intending to become a philosophy teacher and taking classes with several notable professors, including William James, Josiah Royce and George Santayana.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Diabetes mellitus Essay
An ethical dilemma exists when the right thing to do is not clear or when members of the health care team cannot agree on the right thing to do (Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall, 2011). S. Z. is a 65-year-old Hispanic man who was admitted to the hospital for the third time in 6 months, for hyperglycemia. He is now scheduled to be discharged but his daughter pleads with the nurse that she does not want her father discharged because he is non-complaint with his medications and diet at home. She says she has small children at home and canââ¬â¢t be responsible for him, too. She is worried sick that he is doing this on purpose because he has been so depressed since her mother, who did everything for him, passed away. She says that her father has been seeing a curanderos, who treats him with traditional methods and that he refuses to take his medicine and only follows what the curanderos tells him to do. She does not agree with this and confides that she hopes to find a way to prevent her father from seeing this person and wants to know if the nurse can have her fatherââ¬â¢s discharge canceled and to ask the doctor to admit him to a nursing home where they can ensure he eats right and takes his medicine and not the herbs he has been using. Then she pleads, ââ¬Å"Please just tell the doctor he wonââ¬â¢t take his medicine. â⬠Many years ago he was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type II and has been on insulin for two years. His blood sugar on admission was 589. He is retired and was widowed one year ago. Heââ¬â¢s active in his church, gardens, and likes to work on small projects around the house. His medical history includes Diabetes Mellitus Type II, insulin dependent, Hyperlipidemia, and Osteoarthritis. The three possible scenarios I came up with are 1) to discharge S. Z. from the hospital and go home, 2) to discharge S. Z. to a nursing home, and 3) to delay the discharge and have an in-depth meeting with S.Z. , his daughter, his doctor, his nurse, and a social worker in order to come up with the best solution following his discharge from the hospital, When it comes to a situation that pertains to a patientââ¬â¢s safety, personal lifestyle, habits, and their health post-discharge, itââ¬â¢s best to bring the patient, his family members, his doctor and nurse, and a social worker together to discuss the best possible solutions for post-discharge care. With the 1st scenario of discharging S. Z.to go home; his daughter may feel responsible for him after he is discharged and may end up resenting him if she is unable to meet his medical care needs due to her own family issues and daily responsibilities. S. Z. may feel like his daughter doesnââ¬â¢t want or need him around which may cause a lot of anxiety. With the 2nd scenario of discharging him to a nursing home; this may make S. Z. feel more depressed due to a loss of independence. He may even start to feel isolated because he will unable to attend his church, tend to his gardens, or work on small projects around his house. All these things help to keep him in touch with the world as well as keeping his body, especially his hands, nimble. With the 3rd scenario of holding off on the discharge and calling to order a meeting of the minds to further discuss S. Z. s discharge outcomes. There are 5 signs an older person shouldnââ¬â¢t be living alone. The first sign is that the older person is healthy, but cannot safely live alone. Even the healthiest people are prone to slips, trips, and falls, especially when taking certain medications. Older people have a much higher risk of bone fractures due to progressive loss of bone mass (Scheve, 2013). The second sign is the early signs of Alzheimerââ¬â¢s. This disease commonly presents itself in those who are retirement age and older. The third stage deals with physical impairment or a disease that the family members are unable to provide care for (Scheve, 2013). Some diseases require care that family and friends just arenââ¬â¢t capable of providing for. The fourth stage is a change in personality or lack of proper hygiene. Difficulties in daily life such as incontinence, changing their own clothes, and fixing their meals can be very daunting and frustrating (Scheve, 2013). The final sign an older person shouldnââ¬â¢t be living alone is when he/she gets to be too great of a burden on the family (Scheve, 2013). The average family is juggling their daily activities and aging parents require demands that outweigh the logistical and financial resources available. With the 1st solution, the doctor feels confident enough to go ahead and discharge S. Z.to go home and go about his regular routine of going to church every Sunday, tending to his gardens, working on small projects around his house, and even conferring with a curanderos. However, since S. Z. s daughter is adamant about this discharge procedure, we must move on to another discharge solution. The 2nd solution I had for S. Z. is to be discharged to a nursing home. Having to move into a nursing home can be one of the most difficult times in a personââ¬â¢s life (Harker, 1997). It can be extremely difficult for the patient because they may feel that they are being ââ¬Å"put awayâ⬠which can be very difficult for the family as well. Thereââ¬â¢s the worry that their loved one may not be get the loving care they feel they should have. S. Z. may end up feeling isolated because he will no longer be involved in his daily activities of going to his church, seeing his friends, gardening in his gardens, etc. I chose the 3rd solution to delay discharging S. Z. from the hospital and to set up a meeting with S. Z. , his daughter, doctor, nurse, and a social worker so they can put their heads together to come up with a solution for S. Z. following his discharge. This way, everyone will have the chance to speak their peace while getting pertinent feedback from the rest of the key players. Since S. Z. is capable of understanding his own medical needs and issues, then he should be involved with the decision making process of moving into a nursing home or going back to his home. The Code of Ethics for Nurses helps to answer scenarios like this one. It identifies four primary obligations you must meet to fulfill the contract between nursing and the public (Lachman, 2013). The four primary obligations are respecting the patientââ¬â¢s privacy and protecting confidentiality, communicating honestly all aspects of the patientââ¬â¢s diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, conducting an ethically valid process of informed consent, and advocating for the patientââ¬â¢s interests (Lachman, 2013). The best way to decide whatââ¬â¢s in the best interest for S. Z. is by taking all these aspects into consideration during the discussion with S. Z. , his family, his doctor and nurse, and the social worker. Conclusion The Code of Ethics serves as an excellent baseline to use for collaborating patient information, needs, and desires, the familyââ¬â¢s needs and desires, their medical information as coming from the doctor and nurse, and information the social worker can bring to the table. The nurses and other healthcare professionals rely on the code of ethics to assist them when conflicts arise. I believe that having a well thought-out discussion with all those involved and coming up with a solution before discharging S. Z. is in his and his daughterââ¬â¢s best interest. References Harker, J. (1997). Help me: Coping with the nursing home decision. Retrieved form: http://www. alharris. com/harker/helpme. htm Lachman, V. (2013). Making Ethical Choices: Weighing Obligations and Virtues. Retrieved from http://www. nursingcenter. com/pdf. asp? AID=817321 Potter, P. , Perry, A. , Stockert, P. , & Hall, A. (2011). Basic Nursing (7th Ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Scheve, T. (2013). 5 Signs an Elderly Person Shouldnââ¬â¢t be Living Alone. Retrieved from: http://health. howstuffworks. com/wellness/aging/elder-care/5-signs-elderly-living-alone. htm.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Logical Database
2 Nonfunctional RequirementsFunctional requirements define the needs in terms of performance, logical database requirements, design constraints, standards compliance, reliability, availability, security, maintainability, and portability. EXAMPLE 1Performance RequirementsPerformance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality. The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than two seconds.The log in information shall be verified within five seconds.Queries shall return results within five seconds.Example 2Logical Database RequirementsThe logical database requirements include the retention of the following data elements. This list is not a complete list and is designed as a starting point for developmentBooking/Reservation SystemCustomer first nameCustomer last nameCustomer addressCustomer phone numberNumber of occupantsAssigned roomDefault room rateRate descriptionGuaranteed room (yes/no)Credit card numberConfirmation numberAutomatic cancellation dateExpected check-in dateExpected check-in timeActual check-in dateActual check-in timeExpected check-out date Expected check-out timeActual check-out dateActual check-out timeCustomer feedbackPayment received (yes/no)Payment typeTotal BillFood ServicesMealMeal typeMeal itemMeal orderMeal payment (Bill to room/Credit/Check/Cash)EXAMPLE 3Design ConstraintsThe Hotel Management System shall be a stand-alone system running in a Windows environment. The system shall be developed using Java and an Access or Oracle databaseIllustrate a timeframe needed to complete each task based on the requirements from question 2.(5 Marks)Answer Estimating time framesTo manage your time well, you should know not only what tasks you need to accomplish, but also when those tasks must be completed and how long they'll take. Making accurate estimates about how long a task will take is one of the keys to effective time management. Many management problems are the result of unrealistic estimates of how long it will take to complete specific tasks.If you estimate time frames accurately, you'll be able to schedule work efficiently and meet deadlines:schedule work efficientlyà ââ¬â Accurate estimates about how long tasks will take to complete make scheduling a lot easier. They ensure that you won't have to keep changing your schedule. If you have a task that you accurately estimate will take six hours, for example, you can allot that time in your schedule and be reasonably confident you won't have to change the schedule. But what if you didn't accurately estimate the time for that task and allotted it only three hours? It would throw your schedule off, and you'd need to rework it.meet deadlinesà ââ¬â If you're accurate in estimating the time it will take to complete tasks, you'll be better able to meet your deadlines. If you're estimates aren't accurate, you may need to ask to change deadlines or disappoint others who are relying on you to complete certain tasks. With accurate time estimates, you'll also be more confident about setting deadlines because you know that the time you assign for completing each of your tasks is realistic. Time estimate equationIt's important to estimate the time frames for your tasks accurately so that you can schedule all your work effectively and meet deadlines. To go about doing this, you first need to know the requirements of each task and your experience with activities ââ¬â both when they run smoothly and when they don't ââ¬â to produce three time estimates:Theà likely timeà is the time that the task normally takes you to complete. It helps to consider the time it takes to complete the task without interruption. You should also think about a time frame you would be comfortable with based on your workload, the task, and any external factors that may delay or speed up the completion of the task.Theà shortest timeà is the least amount of time that you have taken to complete the task in the past. It may also refer to the shortest time in which you think you can complete the task if there are no interruptions or distractions.You can estimate theà longest timeà by considering what may go wrong when performing the task and then adding this extra time to the task's likely duration. This estimate should be based on your experience of this type of activity in the past, as well as on any foreseeable difficulties.You use the three time estimates to calculate the shortest possible time to complete a task based on an average of the likely, shortest, and longest times. Because in most cases a task will take the likely time to complete, this time is given more weight. You need to multiply it by 4, add the shortest time, and then add the longest time. You divide the total by 6 to get the shortest possible time.One important thing to remember is that you must use the same measurements for each type of time. For example, if your likely time is a number of days, the shortest and longest times must also be in days. If your estimates are in different measurements, start by changing them so they are all the same. The time frames equation often produces a shortest possible time that is longer than the shortest time you put into the equation. This is because the equation helps ensure that you're realistic about how long things will take.To manage your time effectively, you have to estimate the time it will take to complete each of your tasks. Doing this ensures you can schedule your work appropriately and meet all your deadlines. To estimate the time frames for your tasks, you can use a simple time frames equation, which uses estimates for the likely, shortest, and longest times to calculate the realistic, shortest possible time that it will take to complete a task.https://library.skillport.com/courseware/Content/cca/pd_11_a02_bs_enus/output/html/sb/sbpd_11_a02_bs_enus002005.htmlFive threats to your business that you need to consider for the success of this system. Answer: After assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your business for your business plan, look for external forces, like opportunities and threats, that may have an effect on its destiny. These changes includeThe appearance of new or stronger competitorsThe emergence of unique technologiesShifts in the size or demographic composition of your market areaChanges in the economy that affect customer buying habitsChanges in customer preferences that affect buying habitsChanges that alter the way customers access your business Changes in politics, policies, and regulationsFads and fashion crazesList the threats and opportunities facing your business, and follow these guidelines:When listing opportunities, consider emerging technologies, availability of new materials, new customer categories, changing customer tastes, market growth, new uses for old products (think about how mobile phones and even eyeglasses now double as cameras and computers), new distribution or location opportunities, positive changes in your competitive environment, and other forces that can affect your success. When listing threats, consider the impact of shrinking markets, altered consumer tastes and purchase tendencies, raw material shortages, economic downturns, new regulations, changes that affect access to your business, and competitive threats, including new competing businesses and competitive mergers and alliances. Also think about the impact of expiring patents, labor issues, global issues, and new products that may make your offering outdated or unnecessary. If you're having a tough time getting specific, look back at the strengths and weaknesses, but this time, use it to list strengths and weaknesses of a competitor. You won't know as much about your competitor's capabilities as you know about your own, but you probably know enough to flag areas of strength and weakness. Your competitor's strengths are potential threats to your business, and its weaknesses present potential opportunities. http://www.dummies.com/business/start-a-business/business-plans/how-to-identify-opportunities-and-threats-in-business-planning/Three elements of risk All risk management standards agree that the goal of risk management is to enhance the chances of success of the relevant endeavor. However, each of them provides a different definition of risk: ISO31000:2009 calls it ââ¬Å"effect of uncertainty on objectives,â⬠the PMI ââ¬Å"PMBOK Guideâ⬠à has ââ¬Å"an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on the project's objectives,â⬠and the preferred Risk Doctor definition is ââ¬Å"uncertainty that matters. ââ¬Å"Each description is true, but only partly so. This matters because, until we know what we are dealing with, we cannot manage it in the best way possible:If we use the ISO definition, then our first thought will be to focus on theà effect;If we follow PMI, then we will start from the potentialà occurrence;With the Risk Doctor definition, we start fromà uncertainty.Each of these ââ¬â the effect, the event and the uncertaintyà ââ¬âà is a component of risk, but on its own is not a risk. Even taken in pairs they do not provide the full picture:an effect plus an event isà an issue;an event plus an uncertainty isà a prediction;an uncertainty plus and effect isà a concern.It is only when you put all three together that you can see what a risk is made of, and use this information to decide on what, if anything, to do about it. Of course, this then requires a longer definition, but the goal enhancing the chances of success is worth the effort.But what is ââ¬Å"successâ⬠? It is more than simply ââ¬Å"meeting objectives;â⬠it must also include the condition of ââ¬Å"complying with project constraintsâ⬠in order for the final result to remain within scope. The three-part definition helps with three important stages of the risk management process:1.risk identification, it supports the structured description of a risk (ââ¬Å"risk metalanguageâ⬠) in the form: ââ¬Å"Because of , may occur, leading to Inà 2.risk evaluation, knowledge of potential causes allows you to evaluate the likelihood; identification of effects provides a basis for quantifying the impact. Inà 3 risk response planning, the different parts of the definition suggest different response approaches:forà threat avoidance, understanding theà situationà may allow you to stop it happening or protect against its results;understanding theà situationà can also be used to help usà exploit opportunities;inà risk transfer or sharing, we seek a partner better equipped to address theà effect;forà threat reductionà orà opportunity enhancement, we focus on theà effectà and/or theà likelihood; Example 1 Safety and security risks in hotelsA strategic framework for hotel safety and security has been designed for owned and managed hotels and is illustrated below, showing the identified groups of risks and describing the management activities carried out to mitigate those risks.2 Mitigating hotel safety and security risksRisks are identified at hotel level through various means including intelligence gathering, quality audits, risk management assessments and internal audits. They are also identified as a result of incidents, customer audits and self-assessment. Hotel management discuss issues at monthly safety meetings and action plans are developed. Risks are prioritised, assigned and improvement actions are identified, progressed and monitored. Action plans are reviewed at appropriate levels in the organization for issues that need to be escalated either to drive action or to develop common solutions. IHG believes it has a mature and capable systemic and systematic approach to managing hotel safety and security which both reduces the likelihood and impact of events. The embedded culture within IHG makes hotels and the corporation more resilient to unexpected or unidentifiable risks.https://www.ihgplc.com/files/reports/ar2009/managing-risks-in-hotels.htmlhttp://exclusive.multibriefs.com/content/3-essential-elements-of-risk/business-management-
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Acuscan Executive Summary 3 Essays
Acuscan Executive Summary 3 Essays Acuscan Executive Summary 3 Essay Acuscan Executive Summary 3 Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Cliff Oââ¬â¢Connor, CEO AcuScan, Inc. FROM: VP of Organizational Development SUBJECT: Observations and Recommendations for Optimization Project DATE: June 30, 2008 Purpose and Scope of Document The purpose of this document is to provide a basic overview of the current status surrounding the AcuScan Optimization Project. This document will provide a brief background and summary of the current situation, and then provide key points relating to the underlying issues. This document will then outline the options AcuScan has in order to address the project issues and recommend the most feasible course of action. Summary of the Situation The AcuScan Optimization Project, known as ââ¬Å"Operation Optimizeâ⬠, is experiencing both cost and resource restraints. The company must cut costs by 15% in almost all departments, while at the same time creating new expenses by trying to launch a new product. The company has not produced a new product in some time and it is believed that in order to increase sales, the current iScanner technology must be utilized and built upon to reach out to a new market. However, there is a conflict between the Director of Marketing and the Senior Engineer, in that they have a different understanding of what can be and should be accomplished with the limited resources available. The Director of Marketing, Pat Lambert, crafted a project development plan that was based on an overall optimistic view of the project. Pat had concluded that the current iScanner technology would transition easily into the retail market with minimal efforts in programming and engineering. As of yet, no competitor had used eye scanning technology in the retail industry and this was considered a great opportunity for AcuScan. In order to take advantage of this unique situation, it was proposed that AcuScan release a product by August in order to gain the market advantage. A budget of $575K was proposed in order to cover the costs of the product development. The project began to loose momentum when the Senior Engineer, Kelly Thomas, expressed concerns over some unrealistic expectations. Kelly claimed that several project requirements were overly optimistic and pushed back on the project proposal, claiming that such a product could not be delivered by the August deadline. Based on this reaction, Pat concluded that contractors needed to be hired in order to work around the staffing constraints in the engineering department, and increased the project budget request by about $250K. Emails between the Director of Marketing and the Senior Engineer indicate that important issues need to be addressed before problems between the departments escalate to a point that will make it difficult to reconcile differences and work together in order to ensure the success of the project. Key Points Relating to the Situation Sales and service revenues have led to budget constraints which add restrictions to project funding. Both departments are experiencing stress due to limited resources, pressure to cut costs, and expectations to deliver a new product before the end of the year. Each department head is operating independently and not working together to collaborate as a team. A lack of trust and respect has developed between the departments heads due to poor communicati on. Decisions are being made based mainly on rather than performing formal research and analysis Conclusions The success of ââ¬Å"Operation Optimizeâ⬠is critical to the future success of AcuScan by directly impacting an increase in sales revenue and broadening the companyââ¬â¢s customer base and marketing versatility. AcuScan must take immediate action to address concerns of both departments, and guide the project back on track for a successful rollout. At the same time, the company must realize that it will not be able to produce a quality product within the time allotted on a small budget. Recommendations and Actions to be Taken Based on the conclusions AcuScan has two possible options. One option is to delay the release of the new product in order to compensate for the lack of man hours. The company can split up the project into a series of rollout phases, which will extend the project timelines, but reduce the workload pressure being placed on the current engineering staff. This would save the company money in the short term, but could potentially impact their competitive edge in the long term if the competition develops a similar product first. The other option is to act on Director of Marketing proposal to hire contractors in order to take on the increased workload. The company would have a dedicated resource for the project while at the same time allowing the engineering staff to continue to provide a high level of quality service to existing customers. The company would have to make a short term budget sacrifice, exacerbating the current budget crisis; however the new product would launch before the end of the year and give AcuScan the competitive edge it needs to increase sales over the long term. It is proposed that AcuScan align budgeting goals to accommodate the current project timelines and making a small sacrifice in costs to aid in the development by hiring outside contractors. In order to encourage collaboration between departments, the Director of Marketing must allow that the contractors are selected and managed by the Senior Engineer, who will be the most knowledgeable as to the minimal extra man power needed and the skill set required to accomplish the tasks. The Senior Engineer must allow that some new product functionality must b e developed and brainstorm with the Director of Marketing to design a simple but innovative new product. The Senior Engineer must also work with the Director of Marketing to bridge the gap of understanding between the two departments by taking time to educate one another at a high level as to the nature of their job and how they can best serve one another. These action items must be incorporated into the project timeline and each department head must provide a weekly status update as to the progress of the new deliverables in additional to the overall development of the new product.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Reasons People Fail the Bar Exam
5 Reasons People Fail the Bar Exam According to Law.com, nearly one-quarter of all those who took the bar exam- 24.9 percent to be exact- failed the test in 2017, the latest year for which figures are available. But Karen Sloan, writing on the legal information website, notes that as many as 36 percent failed the exam in Mississippi, making it the state with the largest failure rate, and nearly 60 percent did not pass in Puerto Rico. There are five key reasons why so many test takers fail to pass the bar exam each year. Learning to avoid these pitfalls may help you pass this all-important test. They Tried to Learn Every Detail of the Law The bar exam requires minimum competency knowledge of the law. However, many test takers are overwhelmed at the amount of material they need to study. So they try to study as they did in law school, learning every nuance and every detail. This usually results in hours of listening to audio lectures and making flash cards or outlines but very little time actually reviewing the heavily tested areas of the law. Getting buried in the details can actually hurt your chances of passing the exam. You are required to know a little about a lot of the law, not a lot about a little. If you concentrate on the minutiae, you wonââ¬â¢t know the heavily tested areas of the law on the exam and that may put you at risk of failing. They Failed to Practice and Seek Feedback Many students find they donââ¬â¢t have time to practice. This is a problem because practice is particularly important when studying for the bar exam. For example, California requires applicants to take a performance test as part of the bar exam, as do many other states. The State Bar of California notes that the performance test is designed to evaluate test takers: ...ability to handle a select number of legal authorities in the context of a factual problem involving a client. Yet students often scrimp on practicing for this difficult part of the exam, even though past performance tests are available for free online. Essays are also an integral part of bar exams in most states. So, its important to practice this part of the test, and its simple (and free) to access sample exam questions. The New York State Board of Law Examiners, for example, offers essay questions with sample candidate answers for free download from bar exams as recent as February 2018. If you are a bar exam candidate, it behooves you to access such free questions, familiarize yourself with the material, and practice writing essays or grappling with performance test scenarios. Once you practice, compare your answers to the sample answers, rewrite sections if necessary, and self-evaluate your work. Also, if your bar exam review program offers you feedback, turn in all possible assignments and be sure to get as much feedback as possible. You can even hire a bar exam tutor to help you with this. They Ignored the MBE Most bar tests include a Multistate Bar Examination, a standardized bar test created by the National Conference of Bar Examiners, which is administered to applicants taking the bar in nearly all states nationwide. Yet, as with sample performance tests and sample essay questions, its easy to obtain actual- and, again, free- MBE questions from past bar exams, says JD Advising, a bar exam tutoring and preparation firm. Ashley Heidemann writing on the JD Advising website says that its important to practice with real MBE questions because they are written in a very specific style. Though her firm does charge a fee for MBE questions, it also offers free tips on how to pass the MBE. The National Conference of Bar Examiners also offers free MBE questions from previous tests. Indeed, the nonprofit NCBE is a great resource for preparing for all aspects of the bar, regardless of the state where you plan to take the test. The group even offers a Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements for $15 as of 2018. Its not free, but considering the importance of passing the bar, it would likely be well worth the money for any bar exam candidate- especially since the NCBE developed and distributes the MBE. They Did not Take Care of Themselves Students who take terrible care of themselves- thus, putting themselves at risk of sickness, added anxiety, burnout, and inability to focus- often have difficulty passing the exam. Sure, this isnââ¬â¢t a time to start a new diet and/or workout regimen, but you wonââ¬â¢t do well on exam day if you are tired, bleary-eyed, stressed out, and hungry because you havenââ¬â¢t been taking good care of yourself or didnââ¬â¢t eat properly. The condition of your physical body is a major element of bar exam success, says Bar Exam Toolbox. They Engaged in Self-Sabotaging Behavior This kind of behavior can come in many different forms: You might agree to volunteer for a time-consuming summer program, and as a result, lack adequate time to study. You might spend too much time online or socializing with friends instead of spending quality hours studying. You could pick fights with your significant other leaving you too emotionally drained to study. Bar Exam Toolbox offers a host of tips for mentally preparing for the exam, including how to streamline your bar exam prep, choose a bar exam preparation course (if you decide to take that route), or assess whether you need help studying for the exam if you are taking it for the first time. Remember, you want to take this exam only once: Do everything you can to focus and stay on track with your bar exam preparation.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Kant's Political Writings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Kant's Political Writings - Essay Example However, our choice of leadership may not always be right and appropriate since as men we tend to be wrong at times due to our human nature. Nonetheless, a leader is always needed and we must submit to them irrespective of whether we agree with them fully or not. This was the origin of the supreme rule among men. It was the only way to establish law and order in any social setting irrespective of where that rule comes from. It is therefore an offense to go against the rule of law by organizing any form of resistance to the leaders in authority. Such an action is deemed offensive and should be punished according to the constitution in place. If anyone is against any law or figure of authority, they should find a constitutionally recognized way of placing their complaints without disorganizing or trying to forcefully overrule the structure of power. His approach to leadership in any social setting points to dictatorship and democratic doctrines. These principles cannot coexist hand in hand since one form will take over the other in time. However, these doctrines are beneficial to men in their quest to find stability in their day to day lives. I support his ideology on this subject matter since he gives some pointers to its advantages. He takes us back to the laws of nature that govern the animal and plant kingdoms. According to his third proposition, our full capabilities are only realized when in an organized group and not as an individual. This is because we are social creatures. He gives us an example of trees trying to collectively seek for air and light for their growth and other trees that do not participate in this union but go off on their own. The latter trees grow to be strong and blossom fully while the former do not grow to their full potential. The value of group association is enhanced since it comes with great benefits to the individuals joined in the venture. This does not come easy since they will be some problems experienced in one way or the ot her. These deviations are to be expected since peace comes with a price. This should be dealt with constitutionally as the people look to the greater picture of a centralized form of governance. The leaders should be capable of providing for its citizens and especially for those unable to do so. It then acquires the right to tax its citizens in a bid to avail certain resources for its entire people. This right to tax should not be abused but used for the greater good of its entire people. The people are then given some privileges by the constitution such as those of voting, legal ownership of property and the right to freedom. The right to rule conferred upon the state is given to it by its citizens. This power should be supreme and the means to an end. The leader should be then having more authority than the people he is ruling over. He can lead his people to a resistance but he must have made claim to his actions and offer protection to his subjects. This resistance could be again st the constitution or a part of it. This form of defiance could be unconstitutional since it points to the leader of the resistance as the Supreme authority yet he is meant to be a tool to follow through with the rule of law. This goes against Kantââ¬â¢s principles as it means that there is a flaw in the constitutional framework of the society. This is even graver when a coup is staged by the people who are meant to be subjects upholding the legality of the leadership they choose. Instead they should be able to stage complaints in the most peaceful of manners and if that approach fails, then submitting to the law would come in handy. In the case scenario of the murder of the leader as was seen in the execution of Charles I, there was the deviation from
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